Clovis McEvoy

Clovis is a New Zealand born writer, journalist, and educator working at the meeting point between music and technological innovation. He is also an active composer and sound artist, and his virtual reality and live-electronic works have been shown in over fifteen countries around the world.

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“Music is the universal language” – how Nissi Ogulu is using blockchain to showcase African culture

Lagos-born and London-based, Nissi Ogulu is telling stories about the breadth of African musical culture. The artist talks to Clovis McEvoy about her recent exhibition, African creativity, and how web3 is making a career in art accessible.


“I had no manager and no label” – how singer Violetta Zironi built a career on the blockchain

After a burgeoning music career that stalled during Covid, Violetta Zironi wanted to do more than TikTok lip syncs. Speaking to Clovis McEvoy, she explains how web3 has enabled her to “find my people” and truly create the music that she wants to create.


Chart-topper: Why British rapper Aitch turned to the blockchain to build the next chapter of his music

One of the UK's most exciting musical talents, Aitch tells Culture3 why NFTs were “an obvious step” and how he is leaning into the blockchain to build a stronger relationship with his fans. Clovis McEvoy explains what makes this is a big step for web3, Aitch, and LimeWire — and why it is one to watch.


Downstream: the start-ups curating our future web3 music experience

“NFT marketplaces revolve around the idea of holding, or flipping, or all sorts of financial transactions. But when I talk to people, that's not what they're excited about – they're excited about the art.” From payments to engagement, a new generation of streaming platforms are moving the web3 music industry forward. Clovis McEvoy surveys the ecosystem.


Water & Music: the essential Music NFT contract resource

NFT music contracts that leave one party with the short straw damage the reciprocal relationships that creators have with their fans. Water & Music's contract builder is beginning to solve the problem. Clovis McEvoy speaks to Water & Music’s Jonathan Larr about the builder, off-chain benefits, and drawing up a new legal framework for the web3 era completely from scratch.


LimeWire has a new plan to transform music – can they finally make NFTs cool?

Under new ownership, LimeWire is reinventing itself as an music NFT marketplace. A deal with Universal Music, fiat payments, and innovative ways to engage means that LimeWire could become the NBA Top Shot of music.


How Arpeggi is supercharging music collaboration online with blockchain

Music sampling created our favourite songs, reshaped the music industry, and inspired the hip-hop genre. But it's broken, dominated by web2 labels who charge crippling fees. Clovis McEvoy speaks to the team behind Arpeggi, the a16z-backed startup that's aiming to fix it.


How Jburn is building a hip hop career from the ground up

“I don’t have designs or big plans for these things I’m making, I just build them brick by brick.” Jburn shows how artists are taking careers into their own hands with web3. He talks web3 music with Clovis McEvoy, and figuring out how to adjust to finally having fans.


How Deafbeef’s digital art plays with the limits of the blockchain

Known for his generative audiovisual art, produced with nothing but a C compiler and stored entirely onchain, DEAFBEEF is nothing if not innovative. He spoke to Clovis McEvoy about the democratising potential of technology, the value of self-made tools, and his unlikely journey to the world of web3.

“I can try new things with digital art in a fearless way” — Brandon Mighty

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