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It’s got ridiculously cheap to customise your DNA

20 years ago it cost $300 million to get a full report on your DNA structure. Now you can get that for $200. Our mastery of DNA will let you edit your children, improve your health, and has huge implications for our planet.

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VR is our next best hope for treating mental illness

Virtual reality is fast becoming a legitimate treatment for mental illness. Mark Fielding explores how it works and why the world's biggest healthcare providers are using headsets to treat anxiety, depression, and to “maximise your psychological state.”

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Synthetic biology is saving the world's oldest crabs from extinction

A hundred thousand crabs are killed every year for their blood, which keeps the world's vaccines safe for use. Mariquita de Boissière explores how synthetic biology can save their lives.

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Augmented reality is turning doctors into Iron Man

From classrooms to operating theatres, newborns to grandparents, virtual and augmented reality is already improving health care. While the world was distracted with metaverse avatars and virtual meetings, spatial computing has been leading a quiet revolution to help everyone live longer, happier lives.

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TLDL: The Economics of the AI Revolution, with David McWilliams and Eric Lonergan

The board of ChatGPT may be firing its CEO, but that doesn't mean this revolution is slowing down. A whistle-stop tour from the dawn of time with Stanley Kubrick, to Gutenberg in 1453, and up to now, we look at the economics of innovation. Here's our bullet-point summary of the podcast between David McWilliams and Eric Lonergan.

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Medical music is striking a chord

Tristra Newyear Yeager explores how putting artificial intelligence in healthcare can create a new kind of music technology that delivers medicine directly through our earbuds.

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